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Chapter 3 - Creating File Services

Overview of the VINES File System (VFS)

Table 3-1. File Service Management Tools

Integrating File Systems

The names of directories and files
Their attributes and Access Rights Lists
The date and time they were created, last accessed, and last modified

Sharing Files Between Applications Across Platforms

Naming rules
Access rights
Synchronization among the different file systems

Names of Directories and Files

If the component is created at a Macintosh, VFS follows AppleShare naming rules. To generate names in the other spaces, VFS follows the XOPEN rules (UNIX V).
If the component is created from any other file system, VFS follows XOPEN naming rules established by Microsoft Corporation to coordinate DOS FAT and OS/2 High Performance File System (HPFS) names.

Access Rights and Attributes


1. Owner

2. Individual StreetTalk names in the Extended List

3. Group

4. Groups or StreetTalk lists in the Extended List

5. Organizations in the Extended List

6. World

Example Setting Access Rights in the VINES View

Example Setting Access Rights in the Macintosh View


Example Preserving Security First

A folder last saved from the Macintosh view
Two users (A and B) whose names are on the Extended List

Table 3-2. Access Rights Example

Planning Considerations

File modes
File and record locking
File attributes (including OS/2 Extended Attributes)
Renaming of components

Open or Sharing Modes

File/Record Locking

File Attributes

Renaming Directories or Files

Example Renaming Files

Creating a File Service

The group in which you want to create the service
The server on which the file service will reside

To Create a File Service

1. Click the New File Service icon or select File, New, File Service.

2. Enter a StreetTalk name for the file service and a description, and click Next.

3. Do one of the following:

- If your network has only one server, the Select a Drive window appears. To continue, go to step 4.

- If your network has more than one server, the Select a Server menu appears. Selecte the server on which you want to add the new service and click Next. The Select a Drive window appears.

4. Select the disk drive the service will use and click Next. The create and Start window appears.

5. To start the service when you create it, click Start After Creation and click Next.

6. Click Manage to manage the new file service. The properties sheet appears. You can change the description or set log levels.

If you make changes, click Apply. Click OK when you finish.

1. From a PC on the network, enter MSERVICE at the system prompt. The Manage Services menu appears.

2. Choose ADD a server-based service. The Add A Service screen appears.

3. Enter a StreetTalk name for the file service and a description. You may want to indicate which file systems the service is going to support in the StreetTalk name or in the Description field.

4. Do one of the following:

- If your network has only one server, the Select Type Of Service menu appears. To continue, go to step 5.

- If your network has more than one server, the Select a Server menu appears. Choose the server on which you want to add the new service. The Select Type Of Service menu appears.

5. Choose VINES file service. The Choose Disk screen appears.

6. Choose the disk the service will use. The system prompts you to start the service immediately:

- Choose YES to start the service.

- Choose NO to postpone starting the service.

The system informs you that the service is created.

7. Press ESC. The Manage A Service menu appears.

8. Choose CONTROL the service. The Control A Service menu appears.

9. Choose MANAGE files to begin managing the new file service. The VFILES Main menu appears.

Setting Up a New File Service

To Set Up a New File Service

1. After you create the file service, choose MANAGE files from the Control A Service menu. The VFILES Main menu appears. Figure 3-1 shows the VFILES Main menu.

Figure 3-1. VFILES Main Menu Screen

2. Choose Set Access Rights. The Set Access Rights screen appears.

3. Change the access rights to the root directory of the file service so that appropriate users can access the new subdirectories and files. See Managing VINES Security for details.

4. When you finish changing access rights, press ESC to return to the VFILES Main menu.

5. Choose Manage Directories and Files to create directories and subdirectories for your users. See "Creating Directories on File Volumes" in Chapter 4 for more information.

6. After creating the first level of directories, choose Set Access Rights from the VFILES Main Menu to set the access rights for the new directories. The setting of these directories affects any new directories and files created in those directories.

7. After setting access rights on the first level, you can create subdirectories. Do not change the access rights for the subdirectories unless you want the subdirectories and their files to have different access rights than the parent directories.

8. Make the file service available to users by putting SETDRIVE commands in their user profiles. See "Making File Services Available to Users" later in this chapter for more information.

Defaults for File Services

A SharedFiles file service is automatically created when the first server on the network is installed.
A default limit of six drives that DOS, Windows, and OS/2 users can set to network file volumes is set.
Drive Z is automatically mapped to VINES Files@servername@Servers.

SharedFiles for First Server

first-group SharedFiles@first-group@first-org

User Drives and Network Volumes

Drive Z Mapping

Making File Services Available to Users

Using the SETDRIVE Command

SETDRIVE [drive service-name] [/R:pathname] [/L] [/X]

Table 3-3. SETDRIVE Variable Definitions

Example SETDRIVE in a User Profile

setdrive b "sys files@Adm01@servers" /r:\sales\eastsmith

Example SETDRIVE at the System Prompt

setdrive /l

setdrive t /x

Using the SETDRIVE Menu

Look at your current file volume settings
Search for file volumes in other groups
Set drives to file volumes for your current login session
Add new file volume settings
Delete unnecessary file volume settings

To Use the SETDRIVE Menu

1. Display the File Sharing menu by doing one of the following:

- At the system prompt, enter SETDRIVE.

- At the VFILES Main menu, choose Set Drive Mapping.

- At the system prompt, enter VINES. The VINES Main menu appears. Choose File Sharing.

The File Sharing menu appears.

2. Do one of the following:

- Choose SELECT from list below for file volumes in the current group. See "To Assign a Drive to a File Volume in the Current Group" later in this chapter for detailed instructions.

- Choose SEARCH for other volumes for file volumes in other groups. See "To Assign a Drive to a Volume Outside the Current Group" later in this chapter for detailed instructions.

3. Choose a file volume. The Set Drive to Volume menu appears.

Mapping Drives to File Volumes

Figure 3-2. Set Drive to Volume Menu Screen

Set a drive to a volume
Delete a current drive setting

Setting a Drive to a Volume in the Current Group

To Assign a Drive to a File Volume in the Current Group

1. From the File Sharing menu, choose SELECT from list below. See "To Use the SETDRIVE Menu" earlier in this chapter for instructions on accessing the File Sharing menu. The cursor moves to the bottom half of the screen.

2. Choose the file volume. The Set Drive to Volume menu appears.

3. Choose SET drive to volume. The system prompts for the drive letter.

4. Enter the letter of the drive you want to set. The system displays the new setting.

To Assign a Drive to a Volume Outside the Current Group

1. From the File Sharing menu, choose SEARCH for other volumes. See "To Use the SETDRIVE Menu" earlier in this chapter for instructions on accessing the File Sharing menu. The Search for Volumes menu appears.

2. Choose one of the following:

- Volumes in Another Group

- Volumes in an Organization

- Volumes that Match a Pattern

3. Enter the appropriate search information. The procedure for searching for file volumes is the same as searching for any StreetTalk name. When the volume is found, the File Sharing menu appears.

4. Choose SELECT from list below. The cursor moves to the bottom half of the screen.

5. Choose the file volume. The Set Drive to Volume menu appears.

6. Choose SET drive to volume.

7. Enter the letter of the drive you want to set. The system displays the new setting.

To Delete a Drive-to-Volume Setting

1. From the File Sharing menu:

- Choose SELECT from list below to choose a file volume in the current group.

- Choose SEARCH for other volumes for a file volume in another group.

2. Choose the file volume. The Set Drive to Volume menu appears.

3. Choose DELETE drive setting.

4. Enter one or more letters to indicate which drives to delete. Separate multiple letters by commas.

5. Press ENTER to delete the drive settings. The SETDRIVE program erases these settings from the screen.

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