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Chapter 9 - Managing Lists

Types of Lists


Note: StreetTalk supports apostrophes in list names.

Controlled Lists

Names of Controlled Lists


Example Adding a List to an Existing List

Figure 9-1. Mail Flow to Nested Lists

Optimizing Controlled List Performance


Group Administrators

Server Administrators

AdminList Guidelines

Limit the number of names on AdminLists. The more names you add to AdminLists, the less secure your network is.
Be careful how you use lists. Do not create lists that attempt to serve more than one purpose. For example, if you create a list for mailing, do not use that same list to assign access rights to a file volume. Users whom you want only to receive mail may inadvertently be given rights to files and directories.
AdminLists that include users on remote servers (for example, servers across X.25 or WAN lines) can degrade network performance because the system is required to validate those names. Do not put the names of users who are located across WAN links on AdminLists.
Always record the names of all administrators.
In addition to the names of real users, consider creating a fictitious administrator for use in case of an emergency. For example, every server could have the user Backup Admin @Servername@Servers. This user must have a blank user profile and must be password protected. (A blank profile helps prevent a login from getting hung up.) Profiles are explained in Chapter 7.
An AdminList must have at least one name, but that name should not be a name that is stored on another server. If the other server is removed from the network or stops, the administrator of your group on your server disappears.

When AdminLists Are Created

The first server is started.
Additional servers are added to the network.
Groups are added.

AdminLists on the First Server

Table 9-1. AdminLists Created During First Server Setup

AdminLists on Additional Servers

AdminLists When You Add a Group

Rules for AdminLists

Required membership to manage organizations
Required membership to manage groups
Maintaining group AdminLists

Required Membership to Manage Organizations

Table 9-2. AdminList Membership to Manage Organizations

Required Membership to Manage Groups

Table 9-3. AdminList Membership to Manage Groups

Configuring Lists

Using a wildcard template. For example, typing *@finance@WCTUS makes all members of the finance@WCTUS group effective members of the list.
Adding, deleting and modifying non-StreetTalk, or REM-style names; for example, names from the Internet.
Adding, deleting, and modifying user names on this list.
Adding, deleting, and modifying services on this list.
Adding, deleting, and modifying list names on this list.
Allowing any user to add, delete, and modify entries on this list (an Open List).


Allowing any user to add, delete, and modify their own names on this list (a Self-Modify List).

Note: You can have either an Open or a Self-Modify list, but not both.

Add, delete, and modify user names and services, but not list names
Add, delete, and modify only their own names
Add, delete, and modify only StreetTalk names
Add, delete, and modify every entry on a list, including non-StreetTalk names
Use a wildcard template and REM-style names

List Functions

To Manage a List

1. From the right pane, right-click the list you want to manage.

2. Select Properties from the shortcut menu.

1. Enter MLIST on the command line or select LISTS from the MANAGE main menu. The Manage Lists menu appears.

2. Select the appropriate list management function. The Manage A List screen appears.

To Add a List

1. Click the new list icon.

2. Enter the StreetTalk name for the new list and a description on the New List window. The description can have a maximum of 63 characters.

3. Click OK. The List property sheet appears.

4. Add the StreetTalk name of a user to add to the list in the New member text box and click Apply.

5. Click OK when you finish adding new members.

1. At the Manage Lists menu, select ADD A List. The Add A List screen appears.

2. Enter the StreetTalk name for the new list and a description. The description can have a maximum of 63 characters.

Note: When you add a list, use a name that clearly indicates the contents of the list. You will probably maintain many lists on your network. Precise names and clear descriptions avoid confusion.

To Add Names to a List

1. In the right pane, right-click the list you want to manage.

2. Select Properties from the shortcut menu.

3. Enter the StreetTalk name you want to add to this list in the New member text box on the Summary folder.

4. Click Add. If the StreetTalk name does not exist, StreetTalk displays an error message and does not add the name.

5. Click Apply to save the changes. Click OK when you finish adding new members.

1. Enter MLIST at the command line. The Manage Lists menu appears.

2. Select a list to manage. The Manage A List menu appears.

3. Select ADD list member. The Add A Member To A List screen, appears.

4. Enter the StreetTalk name you want to add to this list. If the name does not exist, StreetTalk displays an error message and does not add the name.

To View Names

1. From the right pane, right-click the list to manage.

2. Select Properties from the shortcut menu and click the Summary tab to view list members.

3. Click Remove to delete a selected list member or click Add to add the StreetTalk name entered in the New member text box.

1. Enter MLIST at the command line. The Manage Lists menu appears.

2. Select a list to manage. The Manage A List menu appears.

3. Use PGUP and PGDN to look at all of the names on the list. Choose SELECT list member to select a name from the displayed list.

4. The Delete Or View List Member menu prompts you to delete the member from the list. Select NO.

Setting List Properties


1. In the right pane, right-click the list name and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

2. Click the Properties tab.

Click each of the following checkboxes to allow users to:

Templates - Type in a template using wildcards if you like. For example, typing *@finance@WCTUS makes all members of the finance@WCTUS group effective members of the list.

Adding templates, such as *@finance@WCTUS, only works if the group containing the list is maintained on a server running VINES 5.0 or later.

User names - Add, delete, and modify user names on this list.

List names - Add, delete, and modify list names on this list.

REM addresses - Add, delete and modify non-StreetTalk names; for example, names from the Internet, and so on. All newly created names default to allowing REM style (non-StreetTalk) names as valid list members.

For more information on REM address names, see the Intelligent Messaging Administrator's Guide.

Note: A pre-6.00 StreetTalk Naming service does not allow REM style names.

Service names - Add, delete, and modify services on this list.

Allow user modify rights - Open (Allow any user to add, delete, and modify this list) or Self-Modify (Allow users to add, delete, and modify their names on this list).

3. If you change any properties, click Apply or click OK when you finish.

1. Enter MLIST at the command line. The Manage Lists menu appears.

2. Select a list to manage. The Manage A List menu appears.

3. Select SET list properties. The current list of properties for this list appears.

You can set each of the following properties to YES or NO to allow users to:

Allow templates? - Type in a template using wildcards if you like. For example, typing *@finance@WCTUS makes all members of the finance@WCTUS group effective members of the list.

Adding templates, such as *@finance@WCTUS, only works if the group containing the list is maintained on a server running VINES 5.0 or later.

Allow REM addresses? - Add, delete and modify non-StreetTalk names; for example, names from the Internet, and so on. All newly created names default to allowing REM style (non-StreetTalk) names as valid list members.

For more information on REM address names, see the Intelligent Messaging Administrator's Guide.

Note: A pre-6.00 StreetTalk Naming service does not allow REM style names.

User names? - Add, delete, and modify user names on this list.

Allow service names? - Add, delete, and modify services on this list.

Allow list names? - Add, delete, and modify list names on this list.

List is Open? - Allow any user to add, delete, and modify this list.


List is Self-Modify? - Allow users to add, delete, and modify their names on this list.

To Check List Membership

1. At the Test Membership folder of the List window, you can determine whether a user is on this list (for example, if the user is on a list that is on this list). To do so, type the user's StreetTalk name in the Name to test text box.

2. Select Test.

3. A message indicating that this user is, or is not a member of the list appears. The name also is displayed in the Results window.

1. At the Manage A List screen, you can determine whether or not a user is on this list (for example, if the user is on a list that is on this list.) To do so, type the user' s StreetTalk name.

2. A message indicating that this user is, or is not a member of the list appears at the bottom of the Manage A List screen.

To Change the Description of a List

1. Display the Summary folder of the List window.

2. Enter a new description for the list into the Description text box. The description can have a maximum of 63 characters.

3. Click OK to save the changes.

1. At the Manage A List menu, select CHANGE list description.

2. Enter a new description for the list into the Change List Description screen. The description can have a maximum of 63 characters.

To Delete a Name From a List

1. Display the Summary folder of the List window.

2. Select a list member and click Remove.

3. Click Apply or OK to save the changes.

1. At the Manage A List menu, choose SELECT list member and select a name from the displayed list.

2. At the next screen, select YES.

3. StreetTalk requests a confirmation before deleting the name from the list. Select YES to delete the name.

Deleting Lists


1. In the right pane, right-click the list and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

2. Select Yes to delete the list or No to cancel the delete operation.

1. Enter MLIST at the command line. The Manage A List menu appears.

2. Select DELETE this list.

To Rename a List

1. In the right pane, right-click the list and select Rename from the shortcut menu.

2. Enter the new name in the New name text box.

3. Click OK to rename the list.

1. Enter MLIST at the command line. The Manage Lists menu appears.

2. Select a list to manage. The Manage A List menu appears.

3. Select RENAME this list. The Rename List screen appears.

4. Enter the StreetTalk name you want to replace the existing list name.

- If the list name already exists, an error message appears and the name is not changed.

- If the list was renamed before, the most recent list name appears under the Previous Rename Status field.

When Lists Are Renamed

Note: If the server from which you are renaming a list goes out of service during a rename, the status field in the DOS screen still indicates that the list is being renamed when you bring the server back up. If this happens, re-initiate the procedure and rename the list.

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