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Chapter 16 - Administrative Attributes

StreetTalk Administrative Attributes

Vendor Attribute Identifier - The attribute's <v:a> number. Some of these identifiers are in the AVD file.

Attribute Label - If the attribute is in the AVD file, the label is the default label assigned to it. Otherwise, it is designated "Unlabeled."

Class - The StreetTalk class that uses this attribute.

Data Type - The data type of the attribute.

Access - Describes who can read or modify the attribute value. In general, anyone can read an attribute value.

Description - A brief description of the attribute or any special conditions that apply.

Some attributes are reserved for Banyan.

Table 16-1. StreetTalk Administrative Attributes

Vendor Attribute Identifier Attribute Label Class DataType Access Description
<0:4> Real Name Nickname String Admin Used by Nickname to return real name of user.
<0:5> StreetTalk Group All String Read-only Returns StreetTalk group name.
<0:6> StreetTalk Class All String Read-only Used by all classes to return StreetTalk class.
<0:7> Category All Integer Self (services), Read-only (nick-names), or Admin (other classes) Used by all classes. Can be modified except in Nicknames.
<0:8> STDA Class All Integer Read-only Used by all classes.
<0:12> IpcPorts User Service Integer Read-only (users) Admin and Self (services) This attribute can be modified for users by the VINES Security Service. Used by Vines Security Service and Server Service.
<0:13> Home Server All String Admin and Self (server); read-only (all others) The name of the object's home server.
<0:14> Item Create Time All String Read-only Time that the object was created.
<0:15> Item Modify Time All String Read-only Time that the base record was last modified.
<0:16> Server That Maintains This Object All String Read-only The name of the server that maintains the object.
<0:17> Formatted Name All String Read-only The three part nicename of the object. Used by all classes.
<0:18> Group Sequence Number Groups String Read-only Used internally. The value changes every time information about a user or group is added, changed, or deleted.
<0:19> Last Password Change Users String Read-only Last time the user password was changed. Cannot be modified.
<0:30> Group Server Groups String Read-only Reserved for Banyan.
<0:31> Item Record Number All Integer Read-only Reserved for Banyan.
<0:32> Access Data String List String Read-only Reserved for Banyan.
<0:128> Definable Flags Service Integer Self and Admin Can be modified by administrator or service.
<0:130> Net IDs for Group Servers Group Integer Read-only Reserved for Banyan.
<0:201> Set Create Time All Integer Read-only Used to set time object was created. Counterpart of attribute <0:14>.
<0:202> Set Modify Time All Integer Read-only Used to set time object was modified. Counterpart of attribute <0:15>.
<0:203> Set Time of Last Password Change Users Integer Read-only Used to set time user's password was changed. Counterpart of attribute <0:19>.
<0:204> StreetTalk List Properties Lists Integer Admin Reserved for Banyan.
<0:205> Number of Old Passwords To Check Users Integer Self and Admin When a user changes a password, the system checks that the new password is not the one that the user used recently. The system stores a certain number of these old passwords for each user. The number that you enter for this attribute is the number of old passwords that the system will check.
<0:206> List Contact LIst String Admin Initially, the StreetTalk name of the administrator who created the list.
<0:207> Unlabeled List Integer Self and Admin Set date object accessed.
<0:210> Unlabeled   String Self and Admin IP Ports.
<5:1024> St Start Time StreetTalk Service String Read-only Time that StreetTalk was last started or restarted.See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:2000> Time of Last ST Core File StreetTalk Service String Read-only Time of last StreetTalk Core file
<5:2001> Do Full Cold Start On Restart StreetTalk Service String Self and Admin StreetTalk does a coldstart on restart. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:2002> Reason for Coldstart StreetTalk Service String Read-only Retrieves and displays reason for StreetTalk cold start.
<5:2003> Do Full Cold Start Now StreetTalk Service Boolean Self and Admin Causes StreetTalk to cold start immediately.
<5:2004> Turn ON/OFF API Logging Service Integer Self and Admin Enter 0 to turn API logging OFF; otherwise enter the API number. For example, 2 is "RemoveObject" and 3 is "AddObject." Enter 256 to turn on all API logging.
<5:2005> Timeout Limit StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Number of hours after which the StreetTalk instance will remove from its database a server not heard from. If the attribute is undefined, a default value is used.
<5:2006> Timeout Threshold StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Number of hours after which the StreetTalk instance will add a server not heard from to the threshold report (attribute <5:2007>).
<5:2007> Warning Threshold StreetTalk Service String Self and Admin Displays threshold report that includes current timeout limit set in <5:2005>, current timeout threshold value set in <5:2006>, and all servers not heard from for longer than the timeout threshold (attribute <5:2006>).
<5:2008> Toggle Synchronization Gating StreetTalk Service Any Self and Admin Toggles a server between two LAN cards where each card is connected to a different network. If you enter a value for the attribute for a StreetTalk service, the server stops being a "gating" server to the network the LAN card is connected to within 15 minutes. If you delete the value, the server reverts within 15 minutes to its previous configuration. Any value of any data type can be entered. The presence of any value toggles gating. Toggling this attribute ON on a server connected to another server by a WAN link can prevent the WAN-connected server from receiving StreetTalk data.
<5:2010> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Amount of time in hours between summary messages. If the attribute is undefined, a default of 4 is used.
<5:2012> Do Local Cold Start StreetTalk Service Any Self and Admin Initiates local cold start. Purges local database only. A local coldstart, in contrast to a regular coldstart, generates almost no network traffic.
<5:2013> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Any Self and Admin Closes StreetTalk data files in use when a backup is to be performed.
<5:2014> Unlabeled Group String Read-only Returns domain ID of group.
<5:2015> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service String Read-only Status of last coldstart.
<5:2016> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service String Read-only All ports for StreetTalk. Implemented only in Universal StreetTalk (UST).
<5:2017> Do not expand StreetTalk name in REM member entry  StreetTalk Service String Read-Write  Lets you turn off expansion of REM names in lists. To disable REM name expansion in lists, use StreetTalk Explorer to set the attribute to Boolean True. To re-enable REM name expansion, use StreetTalk Explorer to delete attribute 5:2017. 
<5:2018> Default Codepage For Server Or Group StreetTalk Group or Service Integer Admin Codepage default. This attribute determines the codepage associated with any new string attributes written to the StreetTalk database. By default, this attribute is not set and defaults to the Latin 1 codepage (1252). This attribute applies to a StreetTalk group or to a StreetTalk service. In the latter case the action applies to all groups on the server. If the attribute is set to a codepage value for both a group and the service where the group resides, precedence goes to the StreetTalk group attribute value. All codepage values are supported.
<5:2019> Codepage To Convert String To Unicode StreetTalk Service Integer Admin Codepage conversion. If this value is set to a codepage value, all string attribute data in the StreetTalk database with this codepage are converted to Unicode. The StreetTalk service reads this attribute during startup, so you must restart StreetTalk after setting this attribute for it to take effect. All codepage values are supported.
<5:2020> Codepage To Convert String From Unicode StreetTalk Service Integer Admin Codepage reversion. All string attribute data currently stored in the StreetTalk database in Unicode is converted to the codepage that this attribute is set to. StreetTalk reads this attribute during startup, so you must restart StreetTalk after setting this attribute for it to take effect. All codepage values are supported.
<5:2100> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Threshold for changing from item updates to group updates for the StreetTalk updates sent to a shadow. Modify this attribute to manage how frequently group updates occur. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:2101> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Retry time for sending updates to an unavailable shadow. When StreetTalk cannot update a shadow site because the shadow server is unavailable, StreetTalk delays the update and retries at a later time. This attribute specifies in seconds the amount of time StreetTalk waits before attempting the update again. The recommended value is 30 or greater.
<5:2102> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Turns a master service's ability to send updates to shadow on or off. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:2103> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Specifies, in minutes, how often the StreetTalk updates made on the master are saved to disk. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:2104> Unlabeled StreetTalk Service Integer Self and Admin Specifies a damping value that determines how long StreetTalk waits before sending shadows new item changes. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
< 7:12> Unlabeled Mail Service Integer Self and Admin

Configures the maximum rate at which the routing cost table is updated. You set this attribute in minutes and the default is 5 minutes.

The table was previously updated on every network event but this is costly and detracts from server performance if network events occur at frequencies greater than one per minute.

<17:1024> Last Login Services Users String Read-only Time of last login.
<17:1025> Security Record Users String Read-only Returns the security record of users. Can only be modified by VINES Security Service.
<17:1026> Expiration Date Users String Read-only The date when the password of user expires. Can only be modified by VINES Security Service.
<17:1027> Account Disabled Users Integer Read-only Used to disable account of Users.Can only be modified by VINES Security Service.
<17:1028> Change Password Users Integer Read-only Indicates that Users will be forced to change their password. Can only be modified by VINES Security Service.
<17:1029> Unlabeled Users String Read-only Last date when password was changed. Used by Users. Can only be modified by VINES Security Service.

STDA Administrative Attributes

Table 16-2. STDA Administrative Attributes

Vendor Attribute Identifier Attribute Name Data Type Access Description
<0:100> Unlabeled Integer Self and Admin Differentiates inclusion file entries that have duplicate labels. The string that you enter must be numeric (integer value). See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:0> STDA Service Attribute Activation Mask Self and Admin

The value indicates which STDA attribute statistics are collected. The mask can have the following values:

1 = <5:2> 2 = <5:3> 4 = <5:4> 8 = <5:5>

16 = <5:6> 32 = <5:7> 64 = <5:18>

You can specify one value or the sum of values to indicate one or more attribute statistics will be collected. For example, a value of 1 indicates startup statistics associated with attribute <5:2> will collected. A value of 3 (1+2) indicates that statistics associated with attributes <5:2> and <5:3> will be collected. A value of 127 indicates all the above attribute statistics will be displayed.

<5:1> Existence of Cores String Read-only Can be used to check for the existence of a UNIX core file. A core file is an image of memory created by a system error. Core files are useful for troubleshooting problems.
<5:2> Startup Statistics String Read-only Displays the date and time when the service was started and rebuilt.
<5:3> Service State Flags String Read-only Displays the following ôlive stateö statistics that change depending on the status of the service. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:4> Internal Configuration Records String Read-only Displays internal configuration information. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for examples and description of the records.
<5:5> Names Added To DB Since Last Rebuild String Read-only Names added to database by last change file.
<5:6> Names Del From DB Since Last Rebuild String Read-only Names deleted from database by last change file.
<5:7> Names Modified In DB Since Last Rebuild String Read-only Names modified from database by last change file.
<5:10> Rebuild DB From Chng Files On Startup Any Self and Admin

Causes STDA to rebuild its backend and front databases. and to delete its work files (/disk1/STDA/CNG/*.wrk). The service detects the existence of this attribute on startup. The value and type of the attribute do not matter. The service deletes the attribute after detection; you do not have to remove it. If the service detects that the attribute is present, the service remerges all of its change file data to generates a new set of working files and then generates a new display database from these working files. Set this attribute if the service logs indicate work files have been corrupted.

In StreetTalk Explorer, this is Rebuild database from change files.

You must stop and start the service for this update to happen.

An STDA service log identifies this attribute as "REBUILD."

<5:11> Rebld DB Frm Regen Chng Files On Strtup Any Self and Admin

Rebuilds the STDA backend database but allows the STDA display (frontend) database to be accessed. The service detects the existence of this attribute on startup. The value and type of the attribute do not matter. The service deletes the attribute after detection; you do not have to remove it. If the service detects that the attribute is present, the service deletes all its change file data, gathers new data using the available configuration information, and generates a new set of working files and a new display database. Set this attribute if the service logs indicate work files have been corrupted. Resubmit local inclusion files after this rebuild.

In StreetTalk Explorer, this is Rebuild database from regenerated change files.

An STDA service log identifies this attribute as "CLEANBUILD."

<5:12> Rebld DB & Delete Display DB On Startup Any Self and Admin

Rebuilds both the STDA frontend and backend databases. Removes all STDA files before the STDA service is rebuilt. This is the same as <5:11> but it removes the display (frontend) database so that users cannot attach to the service until the service generates the new display database. Resubmit local inclusion files after this rebuild.

In StreetTalk Explorer, this is Rebuild database and delete display.

An STDA service log identifies this attribute as "SCRATCHBUILD."

<5:13> File Block Transfer Mode Any Self and Admin Transfers data as a stream of bytes by default to improve performance.
<5:14> Ignore Download Requests Any Self and Admin

Service does not answer requests for a download. You can enter any value.

You must delete this attribute for the download to start again.

An STDA service log identifies this attribute as "SCRATCHBUILD."

<5:15> Disable Instant Update Any Self and Admin Disables the automatic update of the STDA frontend from StreetTalk when a new object is created. You can enter any value.
<5:16> Set Log Size for getnames Integer Self and Admin Only read at service startup. Allows changing the log file size kept by the getnames process in STDA. Set this to an integer type of attribute with the value being the number of bytes in the file. Can be used if logs are wrapping over too quickly. See the next section, "Using Administrative Attributes," for more information.
<5:17> Disregard Client Location Code Any Self and Admin Only read at service startup. Allows any client type to connect to an STDA service; for example a French client could connect to a USA service. You can enter any value.
<5:18> Group Enumeration Time Stamps String Self and Admin

Displays information describing whether group enumerations were successful.

This attribute is used in conjunction with attribute <5:0>.

<5:20> Session Timeout Value String Self and Admin Allows the changing of timeout values for downloads between services. If a service is downloading from another service and keeps getting timeout errors (possibly due to a slow link), then this attribute should be created at the supplier, or upstream, site. Default is 300 seconds (five minutes). Can be doubled for very slow machines or links.
<5:21> Native Character Set String Self and Admin Specify the native character set where 0=Latin-1 and 1=KANJII.
<5:22> Restart Enumeration Any Self and Admin Restart enumeration if one is in progress. This attribute can be set on a 6.30 STDA master service or greater. Whether the service recognizes this attribute immediately depends on the stage of the process. The STDA service restarts the enumeration only if it is currently enumerating groups. You can enter any value.
<5:23> Halt Rebuild in Progress Any Self and Admin Stop a rebuild if one is in progress. This attribute can be set on any native VINES6.30 or greater STDA service or StreetTalk for Windows NT STDA service to halt a rebuild that is currently in progress. The attribute can only be set if STDA is currently rebuilding the database. The attribute is checked by a master between building StreetTalk and inclusions, and by a satellite only between sources. If there is only one source for a satellite, the attribute will not be checked. You can enter any value.
<5:24> Rebuild-free Time Period String Self and Admin Specify the time period during which an STDA service will not rebuild its database. For example, if you assign the value as 14:00 -18:00, STDA will not rebuild from 2 PM to 6 PM. If you send inclusion files to STDA during that time, STDA stores the files and does not rebuild the database until the server time is outside of the non-rebuild time range.
<5:25> Total Enumeration Time Integer Self and Admin The total enumeration time since the STDA service started. This system attribute is written after every enumeration. STDA does not read this attribute.
<5:26> Last Rebuild Time Integer Self and Admin The time required to complete the last enumeration. This system attribute is written after every enumeration. STDA does not read this attribute.
<5:27> Number of DB Records String Self and Admin Number of records in STDA, including user records, lists, print services and so on. This system attribute is written after a rebuild. STDA does not read this attribute.
<5:28> Specify Time Period-Prevent Enumeration String Self and Admin The time period during which an STDA master service will not enumerate. The format is 24-hour format where HH:MM-HH:MM specifies the start time and the end time. If the start time and the end time are the same, the enumeration is prevented all the time. If you do not want to prevent the enumeration, delete the attribute; it must be 0 length.
<5:29> Prevent Displaying Invalid Characters String Self and Admin Prevents an STDA database from diaplaying invalid characters in inclusion files. The default setting for this attribute is off.
<5:30> Download Servers Now From Scratch String Self and Admin Allows you to download servers from scratch during the next download cycle. See the next section for more information.
<5:31> Enumerate Groups from Scratch String Self and Admin Allows you to enumerate servers prior from scratch during the next download cycle. See the next section for more information.
<5:32> Download Security String Self and Admin Allows you to specify a list of servers that are permitted to download from an upstream server. The attribute is configured on an upstream server. The upstream server is usually, but not limited to, a master or concentrator satellite. Once the attribute is configured, the STDA service associated with that attribute responds to requests only from servers contained in the attribute. If attribute <5:14> (Ignore Download Requests) is set, <5:30> has no effect. If attribute <5:14> is not set and attribute <5:32> is set, incoming requests are checked against a list of allowable servers. The attribute values are valid servernames separated by a carriage return. See the next section for more information.
<5:33> Config Option String Self and Admin

StreetTalk Explorer looks for attribute <5:33>. If its value is set to standard, the STDA service is assumed to be a master service. If the service is a master, the Server List and the Exclusions pages are disabled and all data is read-only.

In all other cases, including a failure to find the attribute, the STDA service is assumed to be a catalog, or replica, service and the data can be modified.

<5:34> LDAP Configuration Options String Admin When you set this attribute to ON, STDA builds the LDAP database. If you do not have LDAP software or do not create an LDAP service, do not set this attribute because the database uses disk space. The default is OFF.

Using Administrative Attributes

Attribute <0:100>

ATTR <0:100> n

Example Identical Labels in STDA Database

LABEL: John Smith
DESC: Marketing Manager XYZ Corp via mail gateway

ATTR:<0:100> 1

LABEL: John Smith
DESC: Third party developer - Start Software Inc.
ADDR: smtp@uschi03@servers[John Smith@Start.Com]

ATTR:<0:100> 2

LABEL: John Smith
DESC: Sales Manager ABC Reseller Houston

ATTR:<0:100> 3

To: John Smith

To: smtp@uschi03@servers[John Smith@Start.Com]

To: John Smith, smtp@uschi03@servers[John Smith@Start.Com],MCIGate@USCHI01@SERVERS[JSmith.ABC]

smtp@uschi03@servers[John Smith@Start.Com],

Note: All of the above examples are based upon how the Banyan Intelligent Messaging client program works. Other mail client programs that use STDA may work differently.

Attribute <5:3>

Re-read configuration (0 or 1)
Building database (0 or 1)
Kickstart system (0 or 1)
Prevday (number of days since January 1)
IMOpen (0 or 1)
Receiving (0 or 1)

Table 16-3. Service State Statistics

Attribute <5:4>

Name=Servername, (loc=x294885 src=0x0) StreetTalk
seqnum=0x0, dbid=826392029,
timestamp=Sat Mar 9 12:20:31 1996
status- COLLECT

Name-Servername, (loc=x294885 src=0x0) Inclusions
seqnum=0x2, dbid=826392029,
timestamp=Wed Oct 23 18:59:59 1996

Table 16-4. Service Attribute Information

Attribute <5:16>

1. Select the STDA service that you want to manage.

2. Right-click the service and select Attributes from the shortcut menu.

3. Double-click on STDA in the collections set.

4. Double click on Set Log Size for 'getnames' and enter an integer value in the edit box. For example, entering 256000 sets the log files to 256000 bytes.

5. Click in a neutral part of the window to close the edit box.


2. Use the appropriate menu selections to search for the STDA service name that you are troubleshooting.

3. Select the name of the service. The Manage a Server screen appears.

4. Select Manage attributes. The Select Access Method screen appears.

5. Select Specify <v:a> identifier. The Specify Attribute identifier screen appears.

6. Enter 5 in the vendor number field

7. Enter 16 in the Attribute number field. The Edit Attribute field appears.

8. Select EDIT Attribute value. A screen appears containing the current value of the attribute. The screen may be blank if the attribute has never been edited before.

9. Press F6. The Select Attribute Type screen appears.

10. Select Option 4 - Integer.

11. At the next screen, enter an integer. For example, entering 256000 sets the log files to 256000 bytes.

Attribute <5:30>

, i

BUILD|NOBUILD indicates whether to build or not build after the download if a build is not scheduled at this time. The default is NOBUILD.
is the name of the server to download from scratch.
specifies a rebuild of StreetTalk and change files. This is the default.
specifies a download of inclusion and change files.

Attribute <5:31>.


BUILD|NOBUILD indicates whether to build or not build an STDA master service after enumerating. The default is NOBUILD.

servername is the name of the server to be enumerated from scratch. group@org is the group in an organization to be enumerated from scratch.

Attribute <5:32>

Attribute <5:1024>

Attribute <5:2001>

1. Select the StreetTalk Naming service that you want to manage.

2. Right-click the service and select Attributes from the shortcut menu.

3. Double-click on StreetTalk in the collections set.

4. Double click on Do Full Cold Start On Restart and enter any string (for example, Coldstart now.) in the edit box.

5. Click in a neutral part of the window to close the edit box.


2. Select the StreetTalk service whose database you want to manage.

3. From the Manage a Service Menu select MANAGE attributes.

4. From the Select Access Method screen, select SPECIFY <v:a> identifier.

5. Enter 5 and 2001 as the vendor and attribute number, respectively. The Edit attribute screen is displayed with the message Attribute is undefined.

6. Select Edit Attribute and enter any string (for example, Coldstart now.) and press F10.

Note: Entering a string value for Do Full Cold Start Now (<5:2003>) and saving the value causes the StreetTalk service to rebuild immediately.

Attribute <5:2100>

By copying only the new information associated with a single item
By copying the information for the entire group associated with the updated item

Attribute <5:2102>

Attribute <5:2103>

Attribute <5:2104>

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