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Chapter 17 - Introduction to AVD Files

Note: You must be an administrator with proper administrative privileges to modify or replace the default AVD file (called STANDARD.AVD) on drive Z.

Standard and Default AVD Files

\MESSAGES subdirectory on the Z drive (native VINES)
\Program Files\Banyan\VFILES\DOS\USA\Messages subdirectory (StreetTalk for Windows NT)


Default Collections and Labels

Table 17-1. Default Attribute Collections

Collection Name Attribute Labels in the Collection
Group Information Information about StreetTalk groups, such as Description and Rename Status.
Mail Addressing Information about mailing, such as country, mail stop, postal code, and so on.
Nickname Information Real Name attribute label.
Printer Capabilities Information about printers, such as default fonts, paper size, printer type, and so on.
Public Keys Digital signatures used for public/private key encryption schemes.
Quick Pick Information about frequently accessed user attributes, such as job description, phone number, location, and so on.
Service Information Information about services. If you add third-party services to your server, you should add them to this list.
Telephone Numbers Information about telephone numbers such as primary and secondary fax numbers, messaging numbers, and so on.
Unabridged Comprehensive list that includes attributes from all collections in the default file as well as other attributes such as CPR Trained, English, See Also Reference, and so on. The unabridged collection is not dynamically updated when you add a new collection to the default list or use the MAVD utility to merge third-party AVDs with Banyan AVD files.
System Specific Values specific to the system software, such as Mail Service, StreetTalk Class, StreetTalk Category, and so on.
X.500 Selected Attribute Types Values consistent with those defined in the ISO X.500 specification.


Attributes in the logical collection "Telephone Numbers" are associated with both "User" and "Nickname" StreetTalk resources.
Nearly every StreetTalk resource is associated with the labels in the attribute collection "X.500 Selected Attribute Types."
Every StreetTalk resource defined in the filters section is associated with all of the labels in the attribute collection "Unabridged."

Planning an AVD File

AVD File Definition Guidelines

Note: Both editing and creating AVD files must be done at the command line using the MAVD utility. See Chapter 18 for more information.

You can maintain multiple AVD files on your network, but keep the number of separate AVD files to a minimum to avoid confusion caused by redundant or contradictory files.

Unless you have very special requirements, use the STANDARD.AVD file supplied with your Banyan software as the starting point for your attribute definitions. This file contains standard attributes that serve the needs of the general user in most network environments. Unless you intend to have no general user attributes, it is easier to edit the base list than to create a new file from scratch. You are also less likely to make a syntax error if you use the supplied file than if you create a new file.

Bear in mind that you may have no immediate need for some of the collections listed in the default file. As your organization grows or your needs change, however, you may want to use them.

Do not label too many attributes. You can create new attribute collections and additional attributes within existing collections, but remember that each attribute you label means that you or your users need to assign and maintain values associated with the attributes.

Your initial tendency may be to define more attributes than your users need, so exercise moderation. In addition, keep disk space in mind. While attributes do not typically take up much disk space, maintaining a large number of infrequently used attributes is wasteful.

Develop a scheme to propagate revised AVD files across servers on your network. Unless you intentionally decide to maintain variations of AVD files locally, AVD files should be identical on every drive Z on the network. This scheme lets you maintain a consistent view of StreetTalk information for all users.

If you administer a multinational network and use AVDs in multiple languages, you need to devise a scheme to consistently update the various AVD files in different countries.

Multilingual AVD Files

Example German-English-French Multilingual Example

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