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Chapter 2 - Installation and Configuration


/install contains files that are used to move the Banyan server software from the release media (diskettes, tape, CD-ROM) to the server hard disk.
/disk1/banyan/install contains files that are used to initialize Banyan services. Scripts in /disk1/banyan/install are run each time the server is started.
The UNIX root directory (/) contains files related to installation, configuration, and other operating system functions. All root directory files are discussed in the installation section of this chapter, even though they serve diverse purposes.
/disk1/banyan/kern contains files and directories used to build new copies of /unix, the UNIX operating system kernel.

Installing Banyan Software


Files in the UNIX Root Directory

UNIX Initialization Sequences

Typical UNIX Initialization

Banyan Server Software Initialization

1. When the system is booted, init runs in single-user mode. It launches the shell, which runs the /.profile script.

2. The /.profile script, a standard UNIX script that runs every time UNIX is started, performs various tasks including the following:

- Sets up some variables in UNIX environment space

- Sets up the terminal type for the system console

- Sets the UNIX time

- Displays licensing information on the system monitor

- Runs ckdisk to see if the hard disks have been formatted properly, mounts the disks, and runs fsck and vfsck on the system hard disk, if necessary

- Configures system swap space

- Starts the logdemon and errdaemon processes

- Starts the Banyan communications software

- Checks to see if a VINES server code is present, and if it has the appropriate bits set

- Starts the Server service

- Runs the /bin/bmenu script, which brings up the server Operator menu

- Launches the /disk1/banyan/install/Init script

3. There are six Init scripts in /disk1/banyan/install - Init, Init2, Init3, and so on up to Init6. These scripts perform much of the initialization of the Banyan services, particularly during the server installation process. These scripts also check for issues that occur during upgrades, such as deleting old software.

4. Init6 starts the service monitor, which appears once the server has completed all its other initializations.

ckdisk and Other Disk Utilities

1. Calculates the total amount of disk space available in the server.

2. Subtracts the amount of space required by the system for housekeeping functions. The result is the total disk capacity available for user file systems in the server.

3. Prompts the user for the size and number of file systems to create on a logical disk.

4. Creates the appropriate number and size of file systems.

Starting Server Service

1. Loads the file /disk1/banyan/ss/svc3.db into memory.

2. Starts StreetTalk.

3. Starts the Banyan Security service.

4. Waits 15 seconds.

5. Tries to establish a Banyan Security service session. If the attempt is unsuccessful, Server service waits another 15 seconds and tries again. This continues for one hour, or until a session is established.

6. Establishes a session with StreetTalk, once a Banyan Security service session is established.

7. Initializes the internal Server service time service.

8. Starts the remaining services in the order in which they appear in svc3.db.

Figure 2-1. Process Structure


Server Software Configuration

Note: The kernel configuration utility allows you to load peripheral adapter drivers such as drive controllers, SCSI adapters, and so on. Communications drivers such as LAN cards, are configured through the program /disk1/banyan/comm/drivers/util/econfig. This program is described in Chapter 8.


Figure 2-2. Directory Structure for /disk1/banyan/kern

How to Build /unix

Kernel objects that control much of the process scheduling and system I/O. These are located in disk1/banyan/kern/conf/pack.d/kernel.
Device drivers stub objects that allow the kernel to interact with hardware, such as tape drives, diskette drives, and LAN cards.
Generated source files from programs like idconfig and idmkunix.

Figure 2-3. Building /unix from its Component Parts

1. Enter 6 (Configure/Diagnose server). The Banyan Server configuration menu appears.

2. Enter 5 (Configure Kernel). The option runs the program /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/bin/kconfig. The following prompt appears:

Do you want to build a kernel from the default configuration (Y or N) [Y]?

If you answer Y, kconfig loads and runs the script /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/bin/idbuild.

If you answer N, the kconfig main menu appears.

Preventing a Banyan Server from Being a Client Routing Server

1. Log in to UNIX, and change directory to the root (/).

2. Enter the following command:

patch /unix ars_type 0x02

3. Reboot the server.

1. Log in to UNIX, and change directory to the root (/).

2. Enter the following command:

patch /unix ars_type 0x01

3. Reboot the server.


1. Removes the file /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/unix.

2. Concatenates the files in the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/sdevice.d into the file /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/

3. Concatenates the files in the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/sfsys.d into the file /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/sfsys.

4. Concatenates the files in the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/mfsys.d into the file /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/mfsys.

5. Runs idconfig on the file, which was established in step 2. This produces the following files:

conf.c config.h vector.c

direct fsconf.c

6. Uses the sed utility to establish the file /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/vuifile, which contains explicit path names to the files locore.o and start.o.

7. Runs idmkunix to create a bootable unix image in the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d.

8. Renames to sdevice.

9. Establishes the file /etc/.new_unix. This is used by the removepkg script.

10. Verifies that there is enough space in the root directory to copy the new unix image.

11. Creates the file /FORCENODES. When this file is detected at boot time, unix builds new device nodes.

12. Establishes the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/newnodes. This directory is used to build new device nodes, which are eventually copied to /dev.

13. Runs idmknod, which generates a file called nodes.cpio in the directory /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/newnodes.

14. Moves nodes.cpio to the root directory.

15. Moves /disk1/banyan/kern/conf/cf.d/unix to the root directory.

16. Runs /disk1/banyan/comm/drivers/util/ with the RECOVER switch to rebuild the Banyan communications interface.



bannet.o inittabs.o io.o locore.o

os.o quota.o rfs_stub.o smb.o

space.o start.o stubs.o sup.o

syms.c vfs.o






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