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Appendix A - Recover Subcommands

cd [name]

Similar to the DOS CD command. Changes the current working directory to the directory specified by name, where name is either a directory in a VINES file service or the StreetTalk name of a service.

changetime [when]

View the index as of the backup closest to, but not later than, the date specified by when. If when is not specified, the date of the backup you are currently browsing is displayed and a prompt is issued for new time.

EBR allows great flexibility in date specification. It accepts absolute dates, such as November 13, 1995 and relative dates, such as last Tuesday. Absolute dates can be given in two formats: MM/DD[/YY], and Month DD[, YYYY]. Times can also be specified as either absolute or relative, with absolute times in the format: HH[[:MM][:SS]] [am|pm] [time zone] - for example, 12:30 a.m., 14:21, or 10 p.m. PST. The current time is used to calculate unspecified parts of a relative date (that is, two days ago means two days ago at the current time), and midnight is assumed for unspecified times on an absolute date (for example, July 2 means July 2 at midnight). The resolution at which times may be specified depends on how often the server was backed up. The EBR service's index browse policies determines the date of the index you can view.

dest name

Prints the destination to which the files and directories on the recover list can be recovered. If you have not used the relocate or rename subcommands to specify a new location, then dest indicates that the files will be recovered to their original location.

dir [name]

Similar to the DOS DIR command. Lists the contents of the directory or service you are currently browsing, or the contents of the directory named by name, where name is either a directory in a VINES file service or the StreetTalk name of a service.

force, noforce

force specifies that you want to overwrite files on the server's disk with data retrieved from backup media. noforce (the default) specifies that you want to be prompted if name conflicts occur, and allowed to select one of the following choices:

Choice Action
y Overwrite existing file.
Y Overwrite existing file now and in all subsequent cases of name conflict.
n Leave existing file in place and do not recover the backup.
N Leave existing file in place and do not recover the backup in all subsequent cases of name conflict.
r Rename existing file.
R Rename existing file in all subsequent cases of name conflict.

Note: When you specify force, it applies to all items on the recover list. File and directory renaming with force makes sense only when you are recovering file service data. Therefore, recover reverts to the default (noforce) when recovering other service data.

When you choose r or R, the file is renamed by appending an "R" to the name of the existing file and is truncated, as necessary, to fit within client filename length limits.

help, ?

Displays a summary listing of recover subcommands and what they do.


Lists the contents of the recover list.

mark name, unmark name

mark marks name for recovery and adds it to the recover list.

unmark removes name from the recover list. The dir subcommand displays a + sign to the left of files, directories, and services that are marked.


Quits the recover browser without recovering anything.


Recovers the contents of the recover list.

relocate newdir

Specifies that file service files and directories marked for recovery should be recovered under newdir instead of under their current parent. newdir is created if it does not already exist. newdir can be:

A relative pathname within the current file service (..\dos\mydir\games)

An absolute pathname within this file service or another file service on this server (\\MyFiles@Server@Servers\dos\mydir\games)

rename oldsvc newsvc

Renames a service backed up as oldsvc to newsvc. newsvc must exist on the target server, but oldsvc does not. You can use rename to recover an old version of an existing service into a new name. You may execute only one rename per recover session.

versions name

List all versions of the service, directory, or file named by name that are available for recovery. For each version of name available, versions provides two lines of information: the first is similar to what dir name would produce, and the second lists the tape volumes that are required to recover this version of name. You can use changetime to go back in time as needed to mark the version of name you want to recover.

view [mode]

View file and directory names in VINES file services by their DOS, Macintosh, or UNIX names. mode can be one of DOS, MAC, or UNIX. Upper- or lower-case characters may be used. If you do not supply mode, you are prompted to enter mode.


List the names of the media volumes (that is, backup tapes) that are required to recover all of the files on the recover list.

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