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Chapter 5 - Serial Line Interface Information and Statistics


Accessing serial line interface information and statistics.
Viewing serial line statistics, including link-level statistics and X.25 packet-level statistics.

Accessing Serial Line Interface Information and Statistics

Figure 5-1. Communication Statistics Screen

Select LAN cards to view detailed statistics for VINES servers. See Chapter 4 for more information.
View protocol family statistics. See chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13 for more information.
View configuration information and statistics on communication resource usage. See Chapter 6 for more information.

Viewing Serial Line Statistics

Figure 5-2. Serial Interfaces Screen



HDLC - (High-Level Data Link Control). Used for synchronous server-to-server communications.
ASYNC dial-in - Used for block asynchronous, PC Dial-in communications. This protocol supports the transmission of asynchronous characters in blocks. See the VINES PC Dial-In Option Guide for more information.
ASYNC - Used for block asynchronous server-to-server communications. This protocol supports the transmission of asynchronous characters in blocks.
ATE - Used for asynchronous terminal emulation sessions with a host computer. The protocol is a traditional character-based protocol (Start Bit-Character-Stop Bit). See the Banyan Asynchronous Terminal Emulation Guide for more information.
X.25 - Used for server-to-server communications through a Public Data Network (PDN) or directly over a serial line. Statistics are provided for X.25 server-to-server communications only. Statistics do not reflect X.29 host communications or X.29 Dial-in activity on the line.
SDLC1 - Used for 3270/SNA communication with IBM (or compatible) host computers. SDLC indicates that the line supports the Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protocol. The "1" in "SDLC1" indicates that the line is connected to a PersystTM card. See the VINES 3270/SNA Option Guide for more information.
SDLC2 - The same as SDLC1, except that the line is connected to an ICATM, ICAmCTM or ICAplusTM card.
TTY - Indicates that either the line connects an asynchronous terminal to the server or the line connects a printer to the server. TTY stands for Teletypewriter protocol, which is a simple, asynchronous telecommunications protocol that has been used for many years.

Understanding Link-level and X.25 Packet-level Statistics

Figure 5-3. VINES HDLC Frame

Figure 5-4. VINES Block Asynchronous Frame

Figure 5-5. VINES X.25 Packet

Viewing Link-level Statistics

1. Choose SELECT for link level statistics from the Serial Interfaces menu.

2. SELECT the serial line. The Serial Statistics screen appears.



Total In

Total Out


CRC Errors




Framing errors

Viewing X.25 Packet-level Statistics

1. Choose SELECT for X.25 packet level statistics from the Serial Interfaces menu.

2. Select the X.25 line. The X.25 VCs (virtual circuits) menu appears, displaying the local session numbers of all of the line's active virtual circuits. A local session number is an internal number that internal communication software uses to identify the virtual circuit. It is not the same as the virtual circuit's logical channel number, which the PDN assigns to the X.25 virtual circuit.

3. At the X.25 VCs menu, select a local session number. The X.25 VC Statistics Screen appears.

Total Messages In

Total Messages Out

Input Errors

Output Errors

Packets Out

Packets Awaiting ACK

Bytes Out

Bytes Awaiting ACK

Packets In

Bytes In

Resets Out

Resets In

Logical Channel Number

Remote X121 Address

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