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Chapter 12 - Managing STDA Exclusion Parameters

Caution: Take care when setting up exclusions and exceptions. They should not be overly complex.

Running a Banyan management tool
As a separate text file

Formatting Exclusion and Exception Parameters


Files - File volume services
Lists - STDA lists
Nicks - STDA nicknames
Other - Services other than print services or file volumes
Print - Print services
Users - User names
All - All StreetTalk names that match the given pattern

Example Applying a Class:Pattern Format

HASNUMBERS - StreetTalk name patterns that contain numbers in the item part of the name.

NOSPACES - StreetTalk name patterns without a space separator in the item part of the name.

Example Applying HASNUMBERS and NOSPACES

Example Using Wildcards

Rules for Exclusions and Exceptions

Before entering a set of exclusion parameters, enter the keyword EXCLUDE on a line by itself, in upper- or lower-case letters. Begin listing your exclusions on the next line, one exclusion per line, in upper- or lower-case letters.
Before entering a set of exception parameters, enter the keyword EXCEPT on a line by itself, in upper- or lower-case letters. Begin listing your exceptions on the next line, one exception per line, in upper- or lower-case letters.
Exclusions and exceptions may be placed in the list in any order.

Example Complex Exclusions List

Nicknames containing numbers
All services other than file or print services
All lists in the Admin@WCTUS group (with the exception of DistributionList@Admin@WCTUS)
All print services in the WCTBE organization


Creating an Exclusion List

Example Sample Exclusion List

all:rachel wallace@TechSupport@WCTUS

All names from any organization whose name begins with WC, with the exception of names from the WCTUS organization.
All names from any group whose name begins with T in the WCTUS organization, except for names from the TechSupport group of the WCTUS organization.
All names in the TechSupport group that begin with R, with the exception of Rachel Wallace.

Guide for Creating an Exclusion List

1. Think of one-part StreetTalk name patterns (organizations) to exclude from the service's database. List the organization exclusions first in the list along with the STDA class of items to be excluded from those organizations.

All:Sample Profile@*@*

This list excludes:

- All users from the WCTUS organization

- All lists from all organizations whose names begin with WC

- Every StreetTalk name from the WCTAR organization

- All Sample Profiles and template profiles

2. Add one-part StreetTalk name patterns (organizations) to be excepted from the one-part exclusions. For example:


3. Add two-part StreetTalk name patterns (group@organization) that you want to exclude and that were not excluded at step 1:


This list excludes:

- All users in the FoodPrep group in the WCTDE organization

- Items from groups whose names contain the letters RES in the WCTES organization

- All names of services other than file or print services in any group name containing the letters MKT in the WCTAU organization

Remember that the All class applies to names in the six other classes (Users, Files, Lists, Nicks, Other, and Print).

4. Enter the two-part StreetTalk name patterns (group names) that are exceptions to names excluded from the database at step 3:


5. Add the three-part StreetTalk name patterns (item@group@organization) that you want to exclude and were not yet excluded as a part of any previous group or organization exclusions:


This list excludes:

- All user names containing numbers or without separating spaces

- Any list beginning with ADMIN

6. Add the exceptions to the exclusions of step 5:

Users:Bob4Apples@Sales@WCTCA Users:MaryJane@TechSupport@WCTCA Lists:Administration@Board@WCTCA

Using Exceptions



Editing an Exclusion List

200 + (total number of characters in all patterns) + (4 x number of patterns)

users:sample profile@*@*
users:sample profile@marketing@WCTUS01

200 + (50) + (4 x 2) = 258 bytes

To Edit an Exclusions List

1. If you know the STDA name, right-click the STDA service in the right pane and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

To locate the STDA service for a particular group, enter *@groupname@servers in the Browse field and press ENTER, and then click the Services icon. Right-click the STDA service in the right pane and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

2. Click the Exclusions tab.

Figure 12-1. Exclusions Window

3. Click the Exclusions list button and then click New.

4. Click an Exclusion Type, and then select a class from the Choose A Class drop-down list. Type an Exclusion Pattern, if desired.

5. Click OK to confirm the operation.

1. Through MSERVICE or OPERATE, at the Configure STDA Service menu, select Edit Exclusions. The Edit STDA Exclusions screen appears.

Figure 12-2. Edit STDA Exclusions Menu

For the first time only, the screen display is blank. After you create and process a list, the list appears on this screen whenever you access it.

2. Following the rules for creating and matching exclusions and exceptions, enter your exclusions list. Delete characters using the DEL or BACKSPACE keys. Press INS to insert characters between or among characters that were already entered.

3. Press F10 when you finish entering your exclusions list.

STDA service did not get new configuration: service is not available.

STDA service did not get new configuration: service is not responding.

Writing an Exclusion List to a File

To Write the Contents of STDA Exclusions to a File

1. If you know the STDA name, right-click the STDA service in the right pane and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

To locate the STDA service for a particular group, enter *@groupname@servers in the Browse field and press ENTER, and then click the Services icon. Right-click the STDA service in the right pane and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

2. Click the Exclusions tab.

3. Click Write to File.

4. Select the directory to save the file in the Save in field, and then enter a filename.

5. Click Apply or OK.

1. At the Edit STDA Exclusions screen, press F2. The Write STDA Exclusions To a File screen appears.

2. Enter the name of the target file to which the contents of the Edit STDA Exclusions screen will be written.

If you do not specify a full pathname, the program assumes that the target file is in the current directory. If the file already exists, you are prompted to confirm overwriting it.

3. After the contents are written to the file, you receive confirmation and return to the Edit STDA Exclusions screen.

To Replace an Exclusion List with a File

1. If you know the STDA name, right-click the STDA service in the Right pane and select Properties from the context menu.

To locate the STDA service for a particular group, enter *@groupname@servers in the Browse field and press return, then click the services icon. Right-click the STDA service you want in the Right pane and select Properties from the context menu.

2 Click the Exclusions tab.

3. Click the Read from File button.

4. Select the directory from the Look in pull down menu, then select a file. Click Open.

The exclusions appear in the Exclusions window.

5. Click OK to confirm you choice.

1. At the Edit STDA Exclusions screen, press F4. The Replace STDA Exclusions With A File screen appears.

2. Enter the name of the file at the displayed prompt. The program assumes that the file specified is in the current directory, unless you specify the full pathname of the file.

If the file or pathname is incorrect (the file does not exist), an error message appears and you can re-enter the name.

3. If the file or pathname is correct, the contents of the file overwrites the current list on the Edit STDA Exclusions screen. Press F10 to incorporate the new list. To cancel overwriting the current list, press ESC at the Replace STDA Exclusions screen.

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