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Chapter 2 - Getting Started

Starting EBR

Figure 2-1. EBR Program Group Icons

Figure 2-2. EBR Icon

Figure 2-3. EBR Main Window

Note: A system administrator decides which EBR service will back up your workstation. Before the EBR program can operate, it must recognize the name of the EBR service that will back it up. This name can be specified during installation of the EBR program, or it can be centrally assigned by the administrator. In addition, an administrator must add your workstation' s name to the EBR service's client list.

Setting Your Client Name

Figure 2-4. Client Name Dialog Box

1. Enter the name of your system into the Client Name field.

2. Click the OK button. EBR verifies that the name you have selected matches a name on the EBR service's client list. Once the name has been verified, the EBR Main window appears. From this window, you can initiate backups, recovers, archives, or you can verify files.

Quick Tour

Your workstation's disk drives only
Any network drive, and your workstation's disk drives

Back up a File

1. Click on the Backup speedbar button:

Figure 2-5. Backup Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Backup from the Operation menu.

The EBR speedbar changes, and a Backup browse window appears. A browse window contains a graphical representation of your files and directories. It is similar to the Windows File Manager. If you are familiar with that program, your skills will help you navigate EBR browse windows.

2. In the left portion of the Backup window, click on the directory folder labeled "C:" , then select a file to back up - for example AUTOEXEC.BAT, by clicking on it.

Figure 2-6. Backup Window

Notice the slash (/) at the top of the directory tree in the left window pane. In EBR, slash represents root, or the very beginning of the file systems on your workstation, including all disk volumes with the directories and files they contain. Whenever you mark slash for a backup, you are selecting all hard disk drives on your system for the backup. Whenever you mark the C: or D: directory folder, you are selecting an entire disk volume for backup.

3. Click on the Mark speedbar button to mark selected files (in this case, AUTOEXEC.BAT) for backup.

Figure 2-7. Mark Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Mark from the File menu.

A check mark (_) appears next to the directory or file you select. If you selected a directory, all its nested subdirectories and files are marked for recovery.

To unmark an item in the Backup window, click the Unmark button on the speedbar, or choose Unmark from the File menu.

Note: If you have a multi-button mouse, the secondary button (usually on the right) alternately marks and unmarks files.

4. Click on the Start speedbar button to initiate backup:

Figure 2-8. Start Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Start Backup from the File menu.

It will take a few moments to back up your file, depending on file size, network traffic, server load, and tape positioning. During this time, confirmation messages appear for each file backed up in the Backup Status window, so you can monitor the progress of your backup.

Note: If your backup takes a very long time with no new messages appearing in the status window, there may be no backup volume mounted on the server. Contact your system administrator for assistance. You may cancel the backup by choosing End Backup from the File menu, or by pressing [Esc].

After your backup is finished, the EBR speedbar returns to its initial state.

5. Close the Backup Status window, either by double-clicking on its control-menu box, or by choosing Close from the File menu.

Backing up Network Drives

Recover a File

1. Click on the Recover speedbar button:

Figure 2-9. Recover Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Recover from the Operations menu.

The speedbar changes again, and a Recover window appears, similar to the Backup browse window.

2. Click on the directory folder labeled "C:" in the left portion of the Recover window. The backup index for your C: disk drive appears in the right portion of the window.

Figure 2-10. Recover Window

In the Recover window, look only at entries for your backed-up disk files on the EBR server's index, not the actual disk files currently on your system. Notice that backup times are listed to the right, and that files are organized exactly like the disk volumes, directories, and files on your system. This arrangement makes it easy for you to navigate.

The speedbar's Find button helps when searching large indexes. See Chapter 4 for details.

3. Select a file to recover, in this case AUTOEXEC.BAT, and mark it for recovery by clicking the Mark button on the speedbar.

Figure 2-11. Mark Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Mark from the File menu.

A check mark (_) appears next to the directory or file you select. If you selected a directory, all its nested subdirectories and files are marked for recovery.

To unmark an item in the Recover window, click the Unmark button on the speedbar, or choose Unmark from the File menu.

Tip: If you have a multi-button mouse, the secondary button (usually on the right) alternately marks and unmarks files.

4. Click on the Start speedbar button to initiate recovery.

Figure 2-12. Start Speedbar Button

If you prefer, you may choose Start Recover from the File menu.

It will take a few moments to recover your file, depending on file size, network traffic, server load, and tape positioning. During this time, messages appear for each recovered file in the Recover Status window, so you can monitor the progress of your recovery.

Since you did not actually lose any data, the file you are recovering already exists on your local disk. EBR displays the Naming Conflict dialog box, allowing you to choose between renaming or discarding the recovered file, and overwriting the existing file.

5. Click the OK button. EBR renames the file.

Figure 2-13. Naming Conflict Dialog Box

6. EBR displays the Rename dialog box and suggests a new name. Accept the name by clicking the OK button.

Figure 2-14. Rename Dialog Box

The Naming Conflict window appears for each file you recover that already exists on your disk. To prevent the Naming Conflict dialog box from appearing for each file, check the Suppress Further Prompting option in the Naming Conflict window, after selecting the Conflict Resolution you prefer.

Tip: For instructions on placing recover files in a directory of their own, see Chapter 5.

Note: If the backup volume with your system' s files are still on the tape currently in the tape drive loaded in the EBR server, the recovery will proceed. If it is not, the EBR service notifies the administrator (but not the person who made the recover request) that a specific tape is required. Until that tape is mounted, your recover request will wait. You may cancel the recovery by choosing End Recover from the File menu, or by pressing [Esc].

Figure 2-15. Recover Status Window

Exiting from EBR

Choose Exit from the File pull-down menu.

Tip: Or double-click on EBR's control menu box.

Ensuring Scheduled Backups

1. Inside the EBR program group, double-click on the Scheduled Backup icon:

Figure 2-16. Scheduled Backup Icon

EBR displays the Scheduled Backup program, with a Scheduled Backup Status window inside, containing this message:

Waiting to be contacted for backup by servername...

2. Leave your workstation powered on and running Windows so that the EBR server can back it up. (You can also turn off your monitor).

3. When you come to work in the morning, check this window for messages about your backup. You should see a message similar to this one:

Scheduled save started at 7-13-95 10:57p
clientname: C:\ level=incr 4354KB 00:02:27 13 files

Quick Tour Review

Use the Backup window to browse your system and prepare for backup
Mark a file for backup, and start a backup
Use the Recover window to browse index entries on the EBR server for your backed-up files
Mark a file for a recovery, and start a recovery
Resolve a naming conflict during a recovery
Make your system available for scheduled backup

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